Detik-news.com – Bandung, Greenation International Conference on Digital Multidisciplinary Studies (GICDMS) 2023 initiated by Dynasty Publishers, Greenation Publishers and Siber Nusantara Publishers and one of them is Winaya Mukti University (UNWIM) in welcoming the 33rd Anniversary which will be held at the Papandayan Hotel Bandung 29 July 2023.
Co-host of Dynasty Publishers and Siber Nusantara Publisher on their official website page mentions the urgency of the Greenation International Conference on Digital Multidisciplinary Studies (GICDMS) in 2023 in order to Anticipate the Global Economic Recession in 2023 and 2024 through the Agriculture, Forestry, Appropriate Technology Sectors Use and Management of Digital Business. (see link: https://gicdms.e-greenation.org/)
The scope of the Greenation International Conference on Digital Multidisciplinary Studies (GICDMS), namely:
- 01. Agricultural business
- 02. Agricultural Cultivation
- 03. Agricultural technology
- 04. Artificial Intelligence
- 05. Business Management
- 06. Civil Engineering and Architecture
- 07. Cognitive strategies and thinking
- 08. Community Service
- 09. Digital Technology
- 10. Education
- 11. Entrepreneurship and Multi Talent
- 12. Financial Management and Accounting
- 13. Forest Management
- 14. Forestry and the Environment
- 15. Forestry Cultivation
- 16. Geology
- 17. Human learning
- 18. Human Resource Management
- 19. Industrial Engineering
- 20. Information and Communication Technology
- 21. Instructional and teaching strategies
- 22. Laws and legislation
- 23. Macro and Microeconomics
- 24. Marketing Management
- 25. Multidisciplinary science
- 26. Operations and Production Management
- 27. Politics and Government
- 28. Psychology
- 29. Strategic Management
- 30. Transportation and Logistics
The results of the activities of the Greenation International Conference on Digital Multidisciplinary Studies (GICDMS) will later be published on:
- International Journals such as Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref (DoI), Garuda and or EBSCO and others
- The selected journals will be published on SCOPUS or WOS.
This activity will also present academics as speaker, including:
- Dr. Arry Akhmad Arman (Bandung Institute of Technology – Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Yusliza Mohd-Yusotf (University of Malaysia Terengganu – Malaysia)
- Prof. Bilveer Singh, Ph.D. (National University of Singapore)
- Dr. Sasa Sofyan Munawar, S. Hut.. MP. (Indonesian National Research Agency)
- Dr. M. Samsuri, S.Pd., M.T., IPU (Head of LLDIKTI Region IV West Java and Banten)
For Conference Fees we submit as follows:
– Presenters (students) IDR 1,750,000 USD 175
– Presenter (professional) IDR 2,500,000 USD 250
– Virtual Presenters (students) IDR 1,500,000 USD 150
– Virtual Presenter (professional) IDR 2,000,000 USD 200
Payment can be made via bank transfer.
For registration fees go to:
IDR » Bank Name : Bank BNI46
Account Number : 6644-4464-5
Account Name: Unwim Postgraduate “Write: ii
Participants may submit more than one paper, each additional paper is subject to a fee of IDR 1 million or USD 100 for foreign participants.
Worth noting:
Conference submission deadline: July 25, 2023
Conference day : 29 July 2023
Conference Location :
The Papandayan Hotel Bandung
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 83, Malabar, Kec. Lengkong, Bandung City,
West Java 40262, Indonesia
Contact Person who can be contacted:
– Conference Place : Lusy (162-878-2290-1589)
– Issuer : Ebit (162-856-5804-3983)
– Enter (162-821-7074-3613)
Email : gicdms.info@gmail.com , greenation.info@gmail.com ,
Detailed information and the entire submission process is carried out completely online and, please visit our website: https://gicdms.e-greenation.org/